The Testimony of the Two Witnesses  
           is the True Roman Catholic Faith - the only SUSTAINABLE Faith on the Planet - under Petrus Romanus
           the Last and Final TRUE Pope of this Era - Sustained by the Most High TRUE God - Jesus Christ the Lord
of the
"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012
“But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; they said to you, ‘In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.’  It is these who set up divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.  But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.  And convince some, who doubt.”
“And an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of the Bush; and he looked and behold the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!”  And he said “Here am I”. “Come I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.  But Moses said to God,: Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?... But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either heretofore or since you have spoken to your servant; but I am slow of speech and of tongue.”… “But he said, “Oh, My Lord, send, I pray, some other person.”
“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor lose courage when you are punished by him.  For the Lord disciplines him whom he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.”  It is for discipline that you have to endure.  God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but he finds none.  Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’  And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.  So shall it be also with this evil generation.”

The vision, that your wife had… is quite important

Jesus said: Remember, the vision, that your wife had, about ‘the beasts, rising, from the sea; and the giant octopus – coming out of the dark watersThis was ‘a true vision given to her – in her dreams, so that it might be ‘made known’.  For it is ‘very real’ – the allegories, of the creatures, and what they symbolize.  It is quite important; and therefore needs to be posted – online. 

Many people will read the Testimony… if they scoff, and mock… Justice will ‘come down hard

As for your ‘update’, My children, I said to you both: soon, you will be able ‘to perceive’what I am doing, much more clearly, than ever before.  And you will see when ‘the numbers are added’to My website, that My words are fulfilled.  Now many people will read the Testimony, now that they have been ‘informed’ of it.  And they will become ‘quite upset’ – with ‘the implications’.   Others will ‘laugh it off’ – as ‘a joke’, or ‘something that you both ‘made up’; but still others will reserve judgment – and therefore, I will reserve judgment upon them.  If people want ‘to discern’ My words, ‘that is one thing’; but if they scoff, and mock; and have ‘no reverence for the sacred’, then Justice will ‘come down hard’

For I chastise My sons and daughters

When Moses, was ‘up, on the mountain’, I appeared to him – in ‘a burning bush’.  This bush, symbolizes: My Covenant, with man – that I should not ‘destroy them’ – by fire, from ‘the rest of the Earth’; but that they should become: burning and shining examples – to others – in ‘how they are to walk before Me’.  Moses was like ‘the bush – on fire’.  Think of it as ‘a pre-Pentecost’ My children.  When Moses received My words there was ‘a bit of reluctance in his soul’.  But never did he reject what I was asking from him – in his heartYes, he doubted a few times, and, he was punished, for it – but only, so that I could ‘bring about, a greater good’ through him.  For I chastise My sons and daughters.  With love, I discipline them.

With every sin, comes ‘the affliction’, of ‘the demon attached to it’

Now in My First Coming, I performed signs, and miracles, in order for the people, to believe. But why did I do this?  Because their hearts were so hardened and they ‘needed them’.  Many of the ‘ailments’ and oppression that they had, they brought, upon themselves – because of ‘poor choices – in the moment’.  And with every sin, comes ‘the affliction’, of ‘the demon attached to it’ – so that, unless, the sin was repented of’, the demon would remain.

The evil spirits would return to them, to torment them afterwards

Now I cast out demons in people – without their desire for repentance; but because they had faith: that I could do, whatever I asked God the Eternal Father in Heaven for - for those I healed acknowledged Me: as Lord – even if for ‘just a moment’.  But often, when I would deliver people, from their demons, and they chose ‘not to repent’ – in their hearts, then the evil spirits would return to them, to torment them afterwards.  This was, ‘left out of the scriptures’, My children.  There is no example of this – except, I was ‘very careful to explain’ – what that generation was like – that when ‘evil spirits’ came out of a person, they would go, through ‘waterless places’, and finding no rest, they would return, with seven more worse ones – like it. 

People must be ‘on their guard’

What this means, in ‘these times’, is that people must be ‘on their guard’ – in their interior lives, when they ‘experience the fruits of repentance’ – through My Testimony.  Because ‘the enemy of souls’, will try to ‘steer them away’, when they begin ‘to feel uncomfortable’Then, he will ‘pull all the stops’ he can, to prevent My word, from ‘taking root’ in souls. 

I have a prayer, that people can say

And so I have a prayer, that people can say, in order, to prevent themselves, from ‘losing out’ – on, ‘the many riches’ that are here in My Testimony:

Dear, Heavenly Father, Most High True God, I have been ‘a wayward soul’, and I have sinned and offended you deeply.  And now, with your Testimony, moving through your son, Jesus Christ, the Lord – Most High True God, I ask that the burning Flame, and Fire, of the True Holy Spirit:ignite My soul, this day, to become, ‘a burning bush’, for you. And I resolve, from this moment forward, to do all, that you ask me to.  And I choose, this day, to believewithout seeing.  Lord, Most High True God, please grant me the gift of faith, that I, may believe, in whom you have sent, and in,His word.  Amen. 

This prayer will help many souls, My children, as it has been givenfrom: God the Eternal Father in Heavento his ‘chosen ones’, to His Elect, to His Faithful Remnant.

Vision of the Giant Beasts - UNPACKED
Matthew is a Member of the Faithful Remnant
Here is the vision, that is mentioned in the above Message
April 11, 2012
“I saw a man and a woman inside a house that was desolate with a sandy floor. All of a sudden two giant worms came out of the ground and tried to swallow them whole.  The man escaped but the woman was devoured and the ground closed over as though nothing was there.  The man fled.  I saw thousands of people on a mountainside rejoicing with one another because they all had a small shiny bright ball, that they played with.  It turned out they were actually eggs that would eventually hatch to become giant worms, which would eventually eat all of them.  I saw giants come out of the sea all around the remainder of the people who were left alive - giant beasts: lions, lionesses, and other large cats.  They came to feed on the rest of them.  I saw some people who had escaped the giants on a mountainside believing the worst was over.  Then out of the ocean or sea came a giant octopus to devour even them.  They tried in vain to kill it with sticks and rocks but it kept climbing.  I saw some people who escaped all of this in caves and they lived off the fruit provided for them there in safety.”   

The interpretation of the vision is as follows: 

“I saw a man and a woman inside a house that was desolate with a sandy floor.”

The man and woman symbolize “the human race” The desolate sandy floor symbolizes all those who build their foundation on the desolation false realities and deceptions.

“There was a man, who built his house, upon the rock.  And the wind blew; and the rain fell; and the floods came.  And the wind, beat heavy, upon the house.  But it would not fall.  There was another man, who built, his house, upon the sand.  And the wind blew, and the rain fell. And the floods came.  And the wind, blew hard against his house.  And it fell.  And great, was the fall of it.”
“All of a sudden two giant worms came out of the ground and tried to swallow them whole.” 

The giant worms symbolize sin and false realities of the interior lives of both men and women.

“People... prefer to be told what is right and what is wrong, by external sources, such as the media or mainstream news.  Their ‘truth’, is in what they see, but cannot perceive - their ‘truth’, lies in the television.” 
“The man escaped”
Symbolizes all those who embrace their true identities as children of God - souls who strive to break free from false realities and sins and are successful in doing so and therefore escape – these are the Faithful Remnant.
“The World, in essence has become: of one mind.  Only those who strive: to break free – from ‘the tentacles of the giant octopus’, can, and will survive what is coming – at least on ‘a physical level’.”
“But the woman was devoured and the ground closed over as though nothing was there.” 
The woman being devoured by the worm – symbolizes those souls who refuse to fight the false realities around them and refuse to break free from their sins, but allow themselves to be devoured – body and soul into the abyss.
“But instead My people, you chose ‘self-deception’, and ‘false realities’ - as a means of coping, with the ‘hard Truths’Therefore, I have ‘given you over’, to the Foreign Governments, that they may do to you as they please.”

“I saw thousands of people on a mountainside rejoicing with one another because they all had a small shiny bright ball, that they played with.” 

The shiny “ball” represents technology – the people were distracted with. “rejoicing” because technology became the focal point of humanity.
“With all the advancements in technology, My children, mankind as a whole, has failed again.  And what have they failed in?  They have failed to build unity and peace among them; but division has permeated, every facet of society.  ‘Globalization’ is taking over the world.  And even though people are closer than they ever have been before, in proximity to one another, they equally have never been farther apart.  Why?  Because technology - instead of being useful, in bringing together families, and simply enhancing the gifts, I gave them; they choose to use technological advances for their own selfish purposes.”
“It turned out they were actually eggs that would eventually hatch
Symbolizes technological breakthroughs and advancements.  
“To become giant worms, which would eventually eat all of them.”
Symbolizes technology paving the way to bigger sins and offenses against their Creator until they are completely devoured by it.
“These ‘mad scientists’, can continue to use the H.A.A.R.P. machine, but they are only destroying nature’s natural resilience.  They are going to ‘push the weather beyond their control’, and it ‘will act against them’ and ‘not in their favor’. Playing with the H.A.A.R.P. machine, to fire down at the Earth – to create ‘certain quakes’, in different areas, may seem like ‘a great scientific feat’.  All of the minds: put together, to defy nature, and to create destructive forces – will be instrumental, in destroying the Earth.” 
“Man created technology, and now technology is about to become man's worst enemy.” 
“I saw giants come out of the sea all around the remainder of the people who were left alive - giant beasts: lions, lionesses, and other large cats.  They came to feed on the rest of them.” 
“The giants coming out of the sea”
Symbolizes the One World Government and One World Religion – Giant beasts (who are merciless) come to feed off the rest of the human race.
“These government leaders are part, of a cult - not an ‘average cult’ either, but a cult of luciferians.  They have their ‘agendas’ for humanity, and they intend to fully implement them.”

I saw some people who had escaped the giants on a mountainside believing the worst was over.

Again the people who escape are referring to the Faithful Remnant. The mountainside symbolizes those who would come up to the mountain of the Lord, through REPENTANCE.
“People, need to turn back to Me, to repent – from their hearts; to turn away, from their wickedness, and the ‘evils’,of this ‘generation’If, they do not, such ‘consequences’, will come upon them – so, ‘swiftly’, they will not be able ‘to escape’, from the One World Government Forces.  For the antichrist and his, ‘minions’, are getting ready to attack.  And they will strike with ‘a fury’, My people.  As I will use them, to chastise you.”

“Then out of the ocean or sea came a giant octopus to devour even them”
Symbolizes the mainstream media and television seeking to snuff out the Truth that people had received through the desire for repentance.
“Media propaganda, is growing in the news, now more than ever before.  Think of the Media as a giant octopus, spreading its tentacles wide and far, over everything it touches”
“They tried in vain to kill it with sticks and rocks but it kept climbing.” 
The people tried to take on the mainstream media deceptions and false realities and fight it with whatever they had, in vain, but it just kept coming closer, and did not stop.
“The Media is a giant octopus, and is in charge of getting the people moulded and ready and desensitized to what’s coming next.”
“I saw some people who escaped all of this in caves and they lived off the fruit provided for them there in safety.”  

People who escaped all of this in caves – symbolize the Faithful Remnant -those who would take refuge in Jesus Christ the Lord and in His Vicar and turn to Jesus for protection.

“The ones, who are docile, to the Truth! – and that is: that I have made you Pope, My son, will, be, ‘the ones, who endure’, through ‘this present darkness’, and ‘current tribulation’.  Why, will they endure?  But because, they are being fed, ‘the proper food’ – good food filled with ‘nourishment – from Heaven’!  It is like, I am, ‘feeding them’, Eternal bread’; and if they eat this bread – that is My Word, then they, will never, go hungry, again!”
“For I will protect My sheep.  I will bring them to life – giving waters.  And they will be nourished: for a time, times and half a time; as I am ‘going forth’ – to close this Age.”

“They lived off the fruit provided for them there in safety.”  - symbolize those who found His Testimony and the rich food provided for them by the Lord Jesus Christ so they can be nourished.”

“Live in the True Peace: and live, in your ‘True Refuge’ – that is, My Immaculate Heart.  And seek refuge, in ‘the Rock’, of Saint Peter, and seek refuge, in ‘the Rock’, of My son – Pope Peter the Last, who was built upon the Rock! – of Jesus Christ the Lord.”
“Cling to Me, My Commandments, and My Graces, and I will take you from this World, to seek refuge, in My Sacred Heart.”
“For some, My Word, will, bear, fruit, in their lives!” 

A perfectly-timed ULTIMATUM?

Actual email:  It was exactly 7 years since the Burning Bush Prayer was given - to the day - when the Ultimatum for the US President was given. One for the history books!  It's a fork in the road for him. But either way, perfect glory goes to TMHTG(November 21, 2019 update)


“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
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