The Testimony of the Two Witnesses  
           is the True Roman Catholic Faith - the only SUSTAINABLE Faith on the Planet - under Petrus Romanus
           the Last and Final TRUE Pope of this Era - Sustained by the Most High TRUE God - Jesus Christ the Lord
of the
"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
The Testimony has now surpassed 1.7 MILLION words of Divine Revelation
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than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."  This document NOW includes
more than 700 embedded videos - that were produced by the Two Witnesses and the Faithful Remnant.

I Am the King of the Holy Eucharist

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Jesus said:  Receive Me, not only as food for your bodies, food for your souls, food for your minds, food for your hearts, but as food for you entire beings.  For you belong to Me My children, and no one else.  I Am the King of the Holy Eucharist.  Make My Eucharistic Heart, like unto your own.  Change - be transformed into small Christs.  For “Christ” means ‘anointed one’.  Be My ‘anointed ones’.  Receive the Eucharistic gift of life I bestow upon you this day - Feed off of Me.  Let Me be the air that you breathe.  Let Me be ‘the fragrance’ that illuminates your souls with the stench of sin, so you can be purged, of all that is unholy and untrue. 

Every day I want you to invite Me into your souls

I know you Miss receiving Me in the Host at Mass, and so every day I want you to invite Me into your souls, into your entire beings, to take up My place of residence within you, for I desire that you be one in Me, which means not to be ‘equal’, My children, but only to be ‘whole, and sound in the Holy Spirit’.  So many people suffer from ‘spiritual insanity’ because they have chosen themselves to be ‘gods’; and as I Am God, I am owned by no one.  Therefore, for the people to declare themselves gods before Me, then they have also declared they are in no need of a shepherd. 

No one is predestined… but I simply know the choices that they will make

How many souls have been chosen to be lost?  It is only through their free will that this is so.  No one is predestined, for Heaven, for Hell, or for Purgatory, but I simply know the choices that they will make to end up in one of those places mentioned.  And so, I ask that all those who are righteous would come to Me and let Me lead them to safety.  They are going to need My help as the One World Government plans, move in on them.  I will intervene as I have said before - My Great Warning will come upon the World, at a time they are not expecting.  Everyone must choose the path that they will follow - either good or bad.  And they must continually embrace the effects of their decision in the afterlife, because when it comes down to it, the decision they make in this life, on how they will live their lives, will ultimately affect their destination.

Forgiveness is there for those who willingly and knowingly desire to change

Jesus said: Forgiveness is there for those who willingly and knowingly desire to change, and so because you have that desire within you, I will forgive you, and I do forgive you. 

Those who seek My Forgiveness out of routine… I call ‘halfway christians’

But there are those who seek My Forgiveness out of routine, and not from the heart at all.  They seek the reward of going to Heaven without doing their part – without doing ‘what is necessary’ to get there.  These people I call ‘halfway christians’ or ‘middle-minded’, for they seek My Forgiveness, which is half of the process of confession, but they choose not to change, and often make resolutions to commit the same sin again - this happens all too often.  And so, confession is only open to those who ‘seek Me in the priest’ - who seek Me to forgive them, who seek Me from their hearts. 

I will not ‘loosen the binding of sin’ upon the soul who seeks to be forgiven just out of routine

I will not ‘loosen the binding of sin’ upon the soul who seeks to be forgiven just out of routine.  Confession is not simply a routine, but it is a way that man’s heart can be reunited with his Maker.  Confession is ‘sewing a broken relationship’.  If you kept telling someone you were sorry over and over again, and continued to repeat the same sin - the same mistake, how many times would they forgive you, for they are only human?  Maybe once, twice, three times?  But I will forgive you as long as you continually seek to overcome the sin you are asking forgiveness for.  Doesn’t that make sense, My children? 

The church… has brought about much pain and suffering in souls, by refusing to help them out of their sins

I laid-out these laws to help loosen the burden of man’s sins, but the church has rejected Me as ‘an institution’, and has brought about much pain and suffering in souls, by refusing to help them out of their sins - by enabling them to commit more, and grievous.  The church has failed in so many ways as an institution. 

Make ready your hearts to receive Me

But I am with My Elect - I am with all of My Chosen Ones.  I am with all of those who acknowledge Me as Lord of their life - who have devotion to My Sovereign Heart.  I will succeed where the church has failed, in bringing them together as One Flock with One Shepherd.  Behold I am Coming!  I am Coming soon!  Make ready your hearts to receive Me.


“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
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